
Payment & Refund Policy

When you completed your itinerary with Glory of Jordan team as you planed for it, you will be required to make a deposit (30%) of the total amount to confirm your reservation and send you the confirmation letter with all the services for your trip. There are two method of payment; the first is by credit card and the second through bank transfer.

Method of Payment (two methods are available)

1. By Credit Cards: If you want to pay by credit card, it’s required sending us the following:
    a) a photo of both sides of your visa or master cards
    b) a valid passport photo of the credit card holder
    c) an authorization letter to collect the amount of your trip.


Important note: payment by credit cards will charge 3% of total amount as commission for the supplier of the service

2. By sending a wire transfer to our bank account.
Important note: Bank transfers should be free of any transfer fees

Our Bank Details

(US Dollar)
Account Name: Glory Of Jordan Travel & Tourism
Bank Name: Housing Bank Branch: Park Plaza Mall
Address: Jordan – Amman Sweifieh, Salah Shemat St. - Park Plaza Mall
Acc. No. 011 50 159 0020 1001 Swift: HBHOJOAXXXX
IBAN: JO44 HBHO 026 0000 115015 900 20 1001


Account Name: Glory Of Jordan Travel & Tourism
Bank Name: Housing Bank Branch: Park Plaza Mall
Address: Jordan – Amman Sweifieh, Salah Shemat St. - Park Plaza Mall
Acc. No : 011 50 159 0150 1001 Swift: HBHOJOAXXXX
IBAN: JO76 HBHO 026 0000 115015 90 150 1001

For the remaining balance (70%), you have three choices to pay:
1) A second bank transfer
2) A second credit card transaction
3) Upon your arrival at the airport, our representative will collect the money.
    it’s recommended to avoid any banks/ suppliers fees.

Refund and Cancellation

Please see table below if you must cancel your trip to Jordan for any reason. Any cancellation must be notified by letter, facsimile or email directly informing the Local Travel Agency (you must send an email to Glory of Jordan).

Cancellation Policy
A Over 30 days from date of arrival cancellation fees: 5% of total trip cost will apply
B 29 - 15 days from date of arrival cancellation fees: 30% of total trip cost will apply
C 14 - 7 days from date of arrival cancellation fees: 75% of total trip cost will apply
D Within 6 days from date of arrival No Refund
Please note that all cancellations fees must be sent to the local agency

If the reason for your cancellation is covered under the terms of your travel insurance policy, you may be able to reclaim your cancellation charges through your insurer. Note: in the case of refund, you have to deduct 6% of the banking transactions.

For further clarification, please contact sale department via E-mail.

         Glory of Jordan

We are specialized in tailor made
itineraries with over than 15+
years of experience.

We provide a complete cover to
all travel services,  starting from
day of arrival until departure.

We manage and operate
multilingual department including
French, German and Italian.

        Contact us

Phone: +962 6 533 4005
Address: P.O Box 110039
Amman 11110, Jordan


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